Oleksandra Pogrebnyak (b. 1992, Kyiv, Ukraine) is a curator based in Kyiv. Her work focuses on curatorial practices, environmental art, and feminist art in Ukraine, particularly related to themes of war, memory, and displacement. She co-edited the ‘Curatorial Handbook’ with Dmytro Chepurnyi and Kateryna Iakovlenko. Since 2020, she has been part of the PinchukArtCentre team and is also a co-founder and member of the Ukrainian Environmental Humanities Network.
She curated several notable exhibitions in Ukraine and internationally, including: ‘United’, a group exhibition of artists nominated for the PinchukArtCentre Prize 2022, together with Ksenia Malykh; ‘The Sky is Getting Closer’ (2022), a film program presented during Art Basel at Liste Art Fair Basel (Switzerland) and at Le Festival d’Automne à Paris (France), together with Martha Kirszenbaum and Daria Shevtsova; Piotr Armianovski’s solo exhibition ‘History of Relations’ (2023) at PinchukArtCentre; ‘How River Roars’ (2023) at Krupa Art Foundation (Poland), together with Antoni Burzyński. The latest exhibitions are: ‘I Feel You’ (2024) at PinchukArtCentre and ‘From Ukraine: Dare to Dream’ (2024) as an official collateral event of the 60th La Biennale di Venezia, both co-curated with Björn Geldhof and Ksenia Malykh. Her upcoming exhibitions are: ‘Goodnight Moon’ (2024) at Stroboskop (Poland), together with Kathryn Zazenski; and a group exhibition of artists nominated for the 7th edition of the Future Generation Art Prize (2024), together with Inga Lāce and Daria Shevtsova. Oleksandra is a co-author of the book on curatorial practices in Ukraine entitled Curatorial Handbook (2020), together with Dmytro Chepurnyi and Kateryna Iakovlenko. Starting from the 24th of February 2023, Oleksandra has been curating a series of exhibitions at her apartment happening on the day of her birthday that coincides with the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine: ‘Thickets, Groves, Woods and Bushes’ (2023) and ‘Milk for Teo’ (2024). She lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦
Fairy Tales, and the Romanticization of Memory in the ‘Goodnight Moon’ Exhibition, SUSPILNE, 2024 (UA) https://suspilne.media/culture/768181-z-pamati-ta-sniv-pro-dosvidi-kazki-j-romantizaciu-spogadu-v-vistavci-dobranic-misacu/
Oleksandra Pogrebnyak and Dmytro Chepurnyi on apartment exhibitions, curating with a baby, and stories against the backdrop of war, ARTSLOOKER, (EN) https://artslooker.com/en/oleksandra-pogrebnyak-and-dmytro-chepurnyi-on-apartment-exhibitions-curating-with-a-baby-and-storie/
Milk for Teo: an Exhibition about Motherhood in Times of War, VOGUE UKRAINE, 2024 (UA) https://vogue.ua/article/culture/art/moloko-dlya-teo-vistavka-pro-materinstvo-v-chasi-viyni-55051.html
For the Second Time on the Anniversary of the Full-Scale Invasion: A Curator Makes an Exhibition at Home, This Time About Motherhood, SUSPILNE, (UA) https://suspilne.media/culture/691288-vdruge-v-ricnicu-povnomasstabnogo-vtorgnenna-kuratorka-robit-vistavku-v-sebe-vdoma-cogo-razu-pro-materinstv/
From Ukraine: Dare to Dream
Collateral Visions: Six of the Best Shows in Venice, OCULA (EN) https://ocula.com/magazine/features/collateral-visions-best-off-site-exhibitions
Milk for Teo: Apartment Exhibition. MITEC (UA) https://mitec.ua/category/artists/pogrebnyak-oleksandra
Thickets, Groves, Woods and Bushes: An Exhibition of Resilience and Renewal in Kyiv. BLOK MAGAZINE (EN) https://blokmagazine.com/thickets-groves-woods-and-bushes-an-exhibition-of-resilience-and-renewal-in-kyiv
Three New Exhibitions at PinchukArtCentre Worth Your Attention (UA) https://elle.ua/stil-zhizni/blog_stil_zhizni/3-novi-vistavki-v-pinchukartcentre-yaki-varti-vashoi-uvagi
On ‘History of Relations’ Exhibition ‘If Art Provides Answers, How Do We Distinguish It from Propaganda?’ (UA) https://donttakefake.com/potr-armyanovskyj-yakshho-mystetstvo-daye-vidpovidi-to-yak-jogo-vidriznyaty-vid-propagandy
‘United’ Exhibition of PinchukArtCentre Prize 2022 shortlisted artists. Curated together by Ksenia Malykh and Oleksandra Pogrebnyak https://www.e-flux.com/announcements/501262/united/
Curators from PinchukArtCentre Present ‘The Sky Is Getting Closer’ Video Program at Liste Art Fair Basel https://donttakefake.com/kuratorki-pinchukartcentre-predstavili-v-shvejtsariyi-videoprogramu-ukrayinskih-mittsiv